CCT utilizes Teladoc for telemedicine services and encourages you to use Teladoc for convenient general health visits.
How much does it cost for a Teladoc visit?
EPO and EPO-Buy-up plan particpants have two (2) $0 cost visits per plan year then the co-pay is $40 per visit. HDHP participants pay the full cost of a visit. Please keep in mind that this Teladoc will still be lower than the cost of an urgent care visit and quicker then trying to schedule with most promary care providers.
Can I get a prescription through Teladoc?
Yes, the Teladoc physician can call in a prescription for you to your regular pharmacy or a close pharmacy if you are traveling. They cannot prescribe narcotics.
Can I schedule a Teladoc visit for my child?
Yes, but if the diagnosis is recurring and your child has not seen an in-person physician for the issue, Teladoc may advise you to seek in-person care.